Friday, June 8, 2012

Print and Pattern 1 & 2

This past week I purchased these 2 fantastic books, Print and Pattern, created by the blog If you are into pattern and surface design...get your hands on these books.  I have had a hard time finding books about the rules of surface design, but these lead by example.  Time to study up!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Start Up

I really must love starting blogs :D
This is my fourth blog to join my artist blog, animation blog, and drawing blog.

The purpose of this blog is my new found fascination with patterns and surface design.  I will be posting patterns I make, patterns and artists that inspire me, and research that may be helpful for other surface designers. 

I currently know nothing about pattern design, except for the fact that I enjoy making them.  I hope to learn and grow, and hopefully if anyone out there in internet-land has any thoughts, information, or feedback they can let me know what they think.

So here we go.  My first "Pattern of the Week" is this retro-inspired pattern for  The contest was to create a pattern that is retro-inspired, uses a preset palate, and also would fall under the category of "kitchen".